The mission is to get kids to
eat more fruits and vegetables.
Penelope Ferguson
RD; is a registered
dietitian. Born and raised in the Shenandoah
Valley, where my roots are firmly planted. I
graduated from Madison College (now James Madison
University) in the mid-1970s, received further
training and education to become a registered
dietitian. - Shenandoah Valley
Nutrition >>>
Organic gardening
can be challenging, requiring time and
patience. To build your soil into a
healthy state by organic means can take
many months. You may suffer setbacks, and
when you do, you may be tempted to reach
for a chemical spray. However, before you
do so, stop and think about the long-term
benefits of avoiding chemical poisons. If
you are patient, though, before long you
may have a garden that produces tasty
organically grown vegetables that are
less subject to pest and disease problems
than others. No, your garden will not be
perfect, but you may find that you are
delighted with the results. So if you
enjoy gardening, why not try growing your
own organic garden? - Shenandoah Valley
Nutrition Forum >>> Organic
Farms and Gardening - Virginia CSA Farm
Classifieds - A posting board for
farmers and the public to connect.
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VA Web Services -
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a unique approach of building proprietary
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requested keywords over the years. Headquartered
in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia,
we spend considerable time with local community
businesses to market their products and services.
We also network with other local representatives
around the United States to similarly support the
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Utilizing modern communication has enable a
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anywhere. Why not contact us today and let us
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Who We Are
Mark Barreres CEO: Mark has built
WebPromotion has build a local network from the
ground up since 1996. He is all about getting
people to work together and loves making
connections where all sides benefit.
Rob Pohle: Web Design & Creative
Director: Rob considers the image to be
a powerful tool. An award winning creative
director he combines his love of design with
technology to help his clients have the image and
success they desire online.
Eric Safstrom: Web Design and Development
Eric has been working in the industry for over 15
years with experience in many aspects of web
design and development. Eric loves working with
clients to find out what is really needed and
then deliver solutions that bring results.
Contact Mark Barreres at
WebPromotion.com - Edinburg VA
Web Design Harrisonburg
VA - Web Development
Harrisonburg VA - Web Marketing
Harrisonburg VA - Search Marketing
Harrisonburg VA - SEO Marketing
Harrisonburg VA